
Monday, September 2, 2013

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 09.02.2013; Start a Conversation

It's September 2nd. Start a Conversation.

"A white rectangle hung over the city, imparting the date to the men in the streets below. In the rusty light of this evening’s sunset, the rectangle said: September 2." - Atlas Shrugged
Depicting a world spinning out of control, plagued by soaring government spending, crippling regulations and ever-increasing assaults on individual liberty, Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged more than 50 years ago as a warning.

One look at the news today and you come to realize that Atlas Shrugged is NOW NON-FICTION.

Buy the Official "NOW NON-FICTION" T-Shirt Today and Start a Conversation.


On this day in Atlas Shrugged

- Eddie Willers walks through NYC and is bothered by the city's gigantic calendar announcing "September 2nd."
- Hank Rearden and Dagny Taggart take a vacation and discover an abandoned motor.
- Francisco D'Anconia's money speech is made on September 2nd at Jim and Cheryl Taggart's wedding.
- D'Anconia Copper is nationalized on September 2nd and the date on the calendar is replaced with "Brother, you asked for it!"

Did you know?

Ayn Rand choose Sept. 2nd as a significant day because it was the date she started writing Atlas Shrugged.