
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 06.01.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 06.01.2014

"Observe that any social movement which begins by 'redistributing' income, ends up by distributing sacrifices." - Ayn Rand

WANTED: ASP3 Trailer Scouts

Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? won’t hit theaters for another three and a half months; the first trailer however is set to hit the big screen in just a couple of weeks.
To ensure the trailer’s message is being heard loud and clear, we need you to keep your eyes peeled and report back.
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Help Spread the Word: ASP3 is Coming

You know the message of Atlas Shrugged is important. And... you want everyone else to know it. Now's the time for you to get involved and help us get the whole world asking Who is John Galt?

Get involved and tell the world about ASP3.

gulch coin

10% off the NEW Galt’s Gulch Coin

This newly minted official Atlas Shrugged proof coin is made of brass alloy plated with 24K gold, and is an exact replica of the coin used in Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?
Don’t miss out on this true Atlas Shrugged collectors item.

Get your Official Atlas Shrugged Galt’s Gulch Coin now.