
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 08.28.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 08.28.2014

“Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” - Ayn Rand

The Special Effects of Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?

Join Special Effects Coordinator Tommy Frazier for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?

Watch Tommy bring Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? to life now.



As we enter our final push to plaster the world with 1,000,000 Post-its® we have one last prize to announce... and it’s the best yet.
Remember those two tickets to the World Premiere in Las Vegas? They just got upgraded to an all expenses paid trip for two.

15% off the Rearden Metal Bracelet

Are you ladies out there ready for opening night!? September 12th is right around the corner. Wear the perfect accessory and show everyone who's the man.

Get your Rearden Metal bracelet now.


TONIGHT: Atlas Shrugged: Now, Non-Fiction

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the Galt’s Gulch Producers only Atlas Shrugged: Now, Non-Fiction event featuring sneak peeks of ASP3 and commentary from Ron Paul, Matt Kibbe, David Kelley, Phil Valentine, and more.

Sign up as a Galt’s Gulch Producer and watch Now, Non-Fiction tonight.