
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter 08.31.17

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 08.31.17

"Atlas Shrugged is not a prophecy of our unavoidable destruction, but a manifesto of our power to avoid it, if we choose to change our course." - Ayn Rand
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Anthem: The Graphic Novel

"It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think..."
So opens Anthem, Ayn Rand's dystopian tale of a society where the individual has ceased to exist, having been replaced by a sinister collective "we."
In an effort to share this timely novel with a larger audience, The Atlas Society, in heroic form, has announced that they will be bringing Anthemto the masses as a graphic novel!

Learn more and reserve your copy in Galt's Gulch.


PRODUCERS ONLY: Free Signed Atlas Shrugged Poster

Atlas Shrugged Day (September 2nd) is just around the corner, and we couldn't think of a better time to say "thank you" to the Galt's Gulch Online Producers.
Without your continued support, the Gulch wouldn't exist, so... thank you for everything you do!
In addition to our gratitude, we'd like to offer you the chance to snag a FREE Atlas Shrugged poster signed by Producers John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow!
Yes, free. You just pay $11.99 for shipping & handling.

Become a Producer and claim your poster now.

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Save 20% on ALL Clothing

Celebrate Atlas Shrugged Day with some brand new Atlas apparel!
Right now, you can save 20% on ALL clothing including t-shirts, hoodies, and polos. Just use coupon code FALLSALE at checkout to save.
Choose from hundreds of different design and color combinations, each one guaranteed to make a looter mad!

Order your Atlas Shrugged apparel now!
