Thursday, May 25, 2017

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 05.25.17

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 05.25.17

"Every assault on freedom has begun with an assault on reason and every assault on reason has begun by attacking man’s confidence that his mind, operating on the basis of sense perception, is capable of grasping reality objectively." - Dr. David Kelley
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The Primacy of Existence

Just when you thought it was safe to assert that existence exists...
It's hard to imagine, but more and more people today see facts as being flexible, shifting based on our thoughts, fears, and feelings. Don't believe it? Just turn on the news tonight.
It's high time someone set them straight!
Enjoy this lecture by Dr. David Kelley on the "Primacy of Existence." Even though this recording is over 20 years old, it could not be more relevant today.

Listen to The Primacy of Existence in Galt's Gulch.


Vegas, Here We Come (AGAIN!)

After you get fired up listening to Dr. Kelley’s fantastic lecture, head on over to the Atlas Society to register for the 2017 Atlas Summit and hear David speak live in Vegas July 21st!

Register now for the 2017 Atlas Summit and save.


Save 37% on the d'Anconia Dollar Sign Money Clip

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Celebrate your love of money and your ability to produce it with the official d'Anconia dollar sign money clip, an exact replica of the one Francisco carried in Atlas Shrugged Part 2.

Order your dollar sign money clip now.

HINT: This makes a really great Father's Day gift!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 05.04.17

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 05.04.17

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." - Ayn Rand

Hot in the Gulch!

Things are heating up in the Gulch... and we assure you it isn't because of global warming!
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Historical Carbon Dioxide Record from the Vostok Ice Core

Gulch Producer AJAshinoff throws a bucket of ice cold water on the man-made global warming theory. READ MORE.
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"President" Ryan Takes Over

"...if Trump really wants to drain the swamp, first demand Ryan resign as Speaker and publicly identify and fully expose all the RINOs who help Ryan play his deceptive political games." Tell us how you really feel allosaur. :)
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Bloomberg can't understand why auto sales are falling

Producer Blarman shares new stats that show car sales are down. But, wait, isn't that good news? Now we're all safe from global warming! READ MORE.
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Why Liberals Should See Atlas Shrugged, Part I

Producer khalling shares a Huffington Post article that reads, "...go see Atlas Shrugged Part 1, read the novel, and judge for yourself because, in fact, liberals will find much to respect and admire in Ayn Ran." No, really. READ MORE.

Save 20% on the Rearden Metal Bracelet

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Just in time for Mother's Day, the official Atlas Shrugged Rearden Metal bracelet is back in stock!
Order now, save 20%, and have it in time for Mother's Day.

Order a Rearden Metal bracelet for the Dagny in your life now.

AA May 12th For Web

Atlas Distribution to Release Final Robin Williams' Film

Absolutely Anything, starring Simon Pegg, Kate Beckinsale, and Robin Williams (in his final performance), opens in U.S. theaters next Friday, May 12, 2017.
So, what does this have to do with Ayn Rand or Objectivism? Nothing. Absolutely... nothing.
But, even the most ardent Objectivist needs a little break now and then. And, Atlas Distribution (Atlas Shrugged film trilogy) has just the thing...

Watch the Absolutely Anything trailer now.
