Friday, July 19, 2013

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 07.18.2013; Atlas Shrugged 3 Script Pages Released; John A. at the WSOP

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: July 18th, 2013

“Why is it moral to serve the happiness of others, but not your own? If enjoyment is a value, why is it moral when experienced by others, but immoral when experienced by you?” - Ayn Rand

John Aglialoro's Run at the 2013 World Series of Poker - Part I

In 2004, Atlas Shrugged Producer John Aglialoro, won the United States Poker Championship. This past week, he was entered in the 2013 World Series of Poker.
And, he was KILLING IT.
Until... his pocket-Kings met Ace-nothing.
Or should I say... until the Atlas Shrugged Part 3 Production team showed up for a script reading.

Read more about John's Run at the WSOP.



We wish you could have been there. Gulch Producers, we are proud to present to you three (unfinished) pages from the Atlas Shrugged Part 3 script...


Dagny has just returned from the Gulch. Hank, having just ended his search in the Rockies, has all but given up hope...

Read what happens next at Galt's Gulch Online.


LAST CALL: Galt's Gulch Summer T-Shirt Sale Ends Soon

Act fast. The Galt's Gulch Summer T-Shirt Sale won't last forever. For a limited time, take 50% off select Galt's Gulch t-shirts.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

John Aglialoro's Run at the 2013 World Series of Poker - Part I

In 2004, Atlas Shrugged Producer John Aglialoro, won the United States Poker Championship. This past week, he was entered in the 2013 World Series of Poker.

And, he was KILLING IT.

Until... his pocket-Kings met Ace-nothing.

Or should I say... until the Atlas Shrugged Part III Production team showed up for a script reading.

Yep. We, the ASP3 Production team, met for a script reading and, during the course, managed to ruin John's chances of going all the way. How'd we do that exactly?

A couple of weeks ago, we scheduled a script reading for the second draft of Part III. The meeting was to be held in Vegas on Thursday, July 11th at 11:00 AM. Everyone confirmed and Duncan Scott, the screenwriter for Part III, even went so far as to schedule six actors to travel to Vegas to perform the reading.

It was going to be epic.

All systems go, on July 10th, I packed my bags and headed to the airport.

After landing at around 7PM on Wednesday, I started to make my way to the Wynn when I got a call from Producer Harmon Kaslow to meet him and fellow Associate Producer Joan Carter for dinner.

"Where's John?" I thought. I remembered Harmon mentioning something about John playing poker but I just brushed it off as inconsequential.

Barely sitting down for dinner, the topic quickly turned to "John's still in. What are we going to do? We have a reading tomorrow!"

You see, John was not supposed to "still be in", or so we thought. This was the World Series of Poker. With a $10,000 buy-in, only the best poker players in the World were playing. It was day 3 - all the riff-raff should have been long gone by now.

We all seemed to forget however, that John... is one of the best poker players in the world.

Oh boy.

It was getting late but I didn't want to miss an opportunity to maybe get some pics of John playing. I decided to head on over to the RIO.

The first thing that hit me was that the poker rooms were HUGE. How on Earth was I going to find John!?

It took a minute, or fifteen, but I found him (look for the red arrow in the above pic).

John eventually saw me hovering on the outskirts. He popped up, came over with a smile and, right on cue as if he were continuing the dinner conversation...

"I'm still in. We have a reading tomorrow!"

Apparently John too forgot that he was one of the best poker players in the world.

"Yes, you're still in and you need to stay in. We'll record the reading. You can't dump."

"Yeah, yeah. We'll see."

"How's your stack?"


"We'll record the reading."

It was now after 1AM and another hand was being dealt. John swiftly moved back to his table.


- - -

This post originally appeared at Galt's Gulch Online.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 07.10.13; ASP3 Script Reading

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: July 10th, 2013

“Any man who’s afraid of hiring the best ability he can find, is a cheat who’s in a business where he doesn’t belong.” - Ayn Rand

ASP3 Script Reading Tomorrow

This Thursday, July 11th, the Atlas Shrugged Part 3 Production team will be meeting to do a table read of Duncan Scott's second draft of the Atlas Shrugged Part III script.
Wish you could be there?
Follow Atlas Productions as we post behind-the-scenes pics and vids throughout the day on our NEW Facebook and Twitter channels as well as Galt's Gulch Online.

Like our NEW Facebook page now.

Follow our NEW Twitter account now.

Join us in the Gulch now.


The Galt's Gulch Summer T-Shirt Sale has Arrived.

If you've been waiting for the perfect time to buy your Official Atlas Shrugged T-Shirt, this is it. For a limited time, take 50% off select Galt's Gulch t-shirts.

PRODUCERS ONLY: Ayn Rand's House by Frank Lloyd Wright

In case you missed it last week...
Inspirational in the creation of Ayn Rand's Fountainhead hero Howard Roark, Frank Lloyd Wright is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time.
In 1946, Rand commissioned Wright to design a home for her - that home would never be built.

Read Rand's letter to Wright and see the house now.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 07.03.13; Ayn Rand's House

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: July 3rd, 2013

“America’s founding Ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more - and nothing less.”
- Ayn Rand

An Independence Day Message from Producer John Aglialoro

"Our Republic is worth fighting for."
Come to Galt's Gulch Online to read a special message from Atlas Shrugged Producer John Aglialoro and tell him what you think about what's going on in the country today.

Write John Aglialoro an Independence Day Message now.


FOR GULCH PRODUCER'S EYES ONLY: Ayn Rand's House Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright

Recognized by the American Institute of Architects as "the greatest American architect of all time", Frank Lloyd Wright served as inspiration in the creation of character Howard Roark in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead.
In 1946, 3 years after the Fountainhead was published, Rand commissioned Wright to design a home for her. For a variety of reasons, that home would never be built.
A limited number of prints of Wright's rendering of the house were made available however. One of those prints hangs today in Atlas Shrugged Producer John Aglialoro's office - along with a letter from Ayn Rand to Frank Lloyd Wright praising the house.

Read Ayn Rand's letter to Frank Lloyd Wright and see the house now.


Don't Throw in the Towel - Buy it!

The fight has only just begun. Spread the message of Atlas wherever you go.
This massive 40" x 70" towel is just as well suited for the shower as it is for the beach and boasts the same Official Atlas Shrugged “Who Is John Galt?” you’ve come to recognize and rally around.
Who says objectivists don't know how to party?

Buy the Official Atlas Shrugged Beach Towel now.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 06.25.13; Be Part of the Cinematic History of Atlas Shrugged

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: June 25th, 2013

“To deal with men by force is as impractical as to deal with nature by persuasion.” - Ayn Rand

4th of July Galt's Gulch Flag Lapel Pin

Just in time for the 4th of July, we are very proud to announce the Official Galt's Gulch Flag Lapel Pin.
On the left, Old Glory in all of her pristine magnificence. On the right, the sign of the rational, the free, the trader... the sign of the dollar.

Buy the Official Galt's Gulch Lapel Pin Now.


TEASER ALERT: Be Part of the Cinematic Legacy of Atlas Shrugged

Prepare yourself... you're going to be part of Atlas Shrugged history.
This July we'll tell you how you can play a vital role in the film.

Come to the Gulch now and tell us why you should be invited to participate in Atlas Shrugged 3.


LAST CALL: Jim Taggart's 1950 Lionel Model Train

This Thursday, June 27th, a Galt's Gulch Online Producer is going to win James Taggart's Lionel 6110 Model Locomotive (circa 1950) featured in Atlas Shrugged Part II.

Sign up as a Producer today to earn a chance at winning Taggart's Lionel.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 06.20.13; And the Survey SAYS...

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: June 20th, 2013

“No one's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy.” - Ayn Rand

And the Survey SAYS...

A few weeks ago we asked you, the Atlas Shrugged community, to fill out an anonymous online survey, and thousands of you responded.
While we will NEVER divulge any personally identifiable information about any of our members, the meta results are very interesting to say the least.

Check out some of the results from the Atlas Audience Survey now.


10% Off the Official "Who is John Galt?" T-Shirt

Atlas Shrugged Part III is headed into pre-production fast. Make your statement loud and clear. Show your appreciation for the message of Atlas with the Official "Who is John Galt?" t-shirt.

Buy the Official "Who is John Galt?" T-Shirt Now for 10% off

REMINDER: Take the Official Atlas Shrugged Audience Survey now and earn a coupon good for an additional 5% off anything in the the Gulch Store.

NEXT WEEK: Jim Taggart's 1950 Lionel Model Train from Atlas Shrugged 2 Can Be Yours

Next Thursday, June 27th, one of our Galt's Gulch Online Producers is going to win James Taggart's Lionel 6110 Model Locomotive (circa 1950) featured on his desk in Atlas Shrugged Part II.

Sign up as a Producer today to earn a chance at winning Taggart's Lionel.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 06.11.13; Ayn Rand's Previously Unreleased Handwritten Notes

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: June 11th, 2013

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

Hot in The Gulch

Will Directive 10-289 be coming soon?

Gulch Producer RockyMountainPirate writes: "With all the scandals, overreach, abuse etc. that the government has been caught doing, and with the problems with the implementation of obamacare I've been wondering..."

Join the discussion now.


FOR GULCH PRODUCER'S EYES ONLY: Ayn Rand's Previously Unreleased Handwritten Notes

In 1960, Arizona Senator and 1964 Republican presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater published his now famous book influencing countless conservatives and helping to lay the foundation for the Reagan Revolution in 1980.

Ayn Rand picked up a copy of the book and as she read decided to annotate the margins with critiques and observations.

Atlas Shrugged Producer John Aglialoro purchased Ayn's copy at a 1986 Ayn Rand Institute auction and has since kept it safely hidden away... until now.

For Gulch Producers only: Each page of the book has been scanned with Ayn Rand's handwritten notes carefully transcribed.

Download Ayn Rand's Personal Copy of "Conscience of a Conservative" now.


Last Day for Father's Day Delivery

Just in time for Father's Day, buy the perfect gift for your ideal man. Order today via Priority Mail for delivery by Sunday.

- Buy the "Sign of the Dollar" Tie Tack for 10% Off

- Buy an Official Atlas Shrugged Tie for 10% Off

- Buy Both a Tie & Tie Tack for 20% Off

* Don't forget, take the Official Atlas Shrugged Audience Survey now and earn a coupon good for an additional 5% off anything in the the Gulch Store.