Friday, May 16, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 05.16.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 05.16.2014

"There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide." - Ayn Rand

NEW: ASP3 Location Scout Video

Go behind-the-scenes of Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? and check out some of the locations scouted for filming. These locations are sure to please even the most orthodox Atlas fan and give a little taste of what’s coming this September.
Gulch Location Scout
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Producers Only: ASP3 Trailer Producer’s Cut Contest

Everyone has heard of a “Director’s cut”, but what about a “Producer’s cut"?
Galt’s Gulch Producers are invited to give us their interpretation of the newly released teaser trailer with the potential of winning two tickets to the ASP3 premiere in Las Vegas this Septmeber.

Become a Galt’s Gulch Producer and enter the Producer's Cut contest now.

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25% off the Official "Now, Non-Fiction" T-shirt

Atlas Shrugged depicts a world spinning out of control from government spending to increased regulations.
Looking at current events, one must ask... is Atlas Shrugged really fiction? Or is it Now, Non-Fiction?

Get your Now Non-Fiction t-shirt now.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 05.08.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 05.08.2014

"Today, intelligence is neither recognized nor rewarded, but is being systematically extinguished in a growing flood of brazenly flaunted irrationality." - Ayn Rand

Sneak Peek: Official ASP3 Teaser Trailer

The first official teaser trailer for Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? will make its debut in theaters this June. The trailer showcases the work of world renowned sand artist and Atlas Shrugged fan Joe Castillo.
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Producers Only: Official ASP3 Storyboards

Go behind the scenes of Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? like never before with the official film storyboards. We’re making these pieces of Atlas Shrugged history available for viewing exclusively to Galt’s Gulch Online Producers.

Become a Gulch Producer now for access to the ASP3 storyboards.

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New: Galt’s Gulch Gold Coin Bracelet

We are pleased to present the Atlas Shrugged Galt’s Gulch gold coin bracelet just in time for Mother’s Day. This charming bracelet features an exact replica of the coin used in Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?
Plus, right now, you can save 25% so order one for all the women that inspire you.

Get your Galt's Gulch gold coin bracelet now.

(IMPORTANT: To receive by Mother's Day you must select overnight shipping by 3:45 PM ET today.)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 05.01.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 05.01.2014

“The freedom of speech of private individuals includes the right not to agree, not to listen, and not to finance one’s own antagonists.” - Ayn Rand
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There's Still Time to be in ASP3

Last week, we announced the “I Am John Galt” video campaign providing fans a final chance to be in Atlas Shrugged III.
All videos and release forms must be submitted by Friday, May 2nd. Act fast and don’t miss an opportunity to be part of Atlas Shrugged history.

Hurry over to Galt’s Gulch now to find out how to submit your video.

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What is Atlas Shrugged about?

Unfortunately, not everyone has read “Atlas Shrugged”... yet. Since it’s up to those of us that have read it to spread the word, we want to know how you respond when asked “So, what is Atlas Shrugged about?"
We’re looking for the clearest and most compelling answers to help promote ASP3.

Answer the question “What is Atlas Shrugged?” in the Gulch now.


25% off Atlas Shrugged Women's Jewelry for Mother's Day

May 11th is right around the corner. Don’t forget the women that inspire you most this Mother’s Day!
In honor of this special day, we’re offering 25% off all women’s jewelry in the Atlas Shrugged movie store including the gorgeous Rearden Metal bracelet.

Save 25% on your Mother’s Day order now.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.24.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.24.2014

“For twelve years, you have been asking: Who is John Galt? This is John Galt speaking.” - John Galt
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Are You Ready for Your Close-up? Be in ASP3.

The post production of ASP3 is well underway; however, there’s one last chance for you to be in the film and be part of Atlas Shrugged history.
Post a video of you asking“Who is John Galt?” and declaring “I Am John Galt”by May 2nd and you just might find yourself on the silver screen come September 12th.

Find out how to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Meet Eddie Willers. Go Behind the Scenes of ASP3.

Dominic Daniel plays Eddie Willers in Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? In an exclusive interview he takes us deeper into his role in the upcoming film.
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20% Off the Now Non-Fiction Coffee Mug

Out of control government regulations and assaults on individual liberties… are these just the issues faced by the heros of Atlas Shrugged or problems ripped straight from today’s headlines?
Ignite the conversation with the Now, Non-Fictioncoffee mug.

Get you Now Non-Fiction coffee mug now.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.18.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.18.2014

"Elections should be held on April 16th - the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders." - Thomas Sowell

Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? Teaser Poster Released

Although you may feel a bit depressed and downtrodden in the days following the dreaded April 15th, remember...
The world you desire can be won. It exists… It is real… It is possible… It is yours.
Stand up now and own it.
Find your inspiration in the newly released “Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?” 24x36 teaser poster.

Get your ASP3 teaser movie poster now.


Bitcoin Now Accepted in Galt's Gulch Online

In honor of tax day, Galt’s Gulch Online is proud to announce the acceptance of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital money. It is sent via the Internet from person to person, regardless of country, with no middleman such as a bank or clearing house.

Read more and become a Producer in Galt’s Gulch with Bitcoin now.


Rick Santelli "... it reminded me of Atlas Shrugged"

Rick Santelli of CNBC talks about Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged during his Santelli Exchange segment on April 15th and gives everyone something to think about...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.10.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.10.2014

"I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude." - Thomas Jefferson
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Atlas Shrugged on tour: Where to next?

We're on tour spreading the word that Atlas Shrugged 3: Who is John Galt? is coming. Our first stop in Louisville, KY for FreePAC was a tremendous success and your town could be next.
Do you know of a great event where Atlas Shrugged should be represented? Let us know and we’ll add it to our list of tour stops.

Suggest an event for Atlas Shrugged to attend now.


Producers Only First Look: Official ASP3 Teaser Trailer

The first official trailer for Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? won’t debut in theaters until June. But, Galt’s Gulch Online Producers are getting a first look. The trailer showcases the work of world renowned sand artist and Atlas Shrugged fan Joe Castillo.
asp3 teaser trailer
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20% Off the Rearden Steel Travel Mug

“Try to pour a ton of steel without rigid principles.” - Hank Rearden
If a travel mug could be made of Rearden Metal this is what it would look like - the perfect hybrid of design and functionality - as if designed by Hank himself.
Take the message of Atlas on the road.

Get your Rearden Steel travel mug now.


Producer of the Week: RichRobinson

Richrobinson may be relatively new to the world of “Atlas Shrugged” but says the ideals the novel represents have long been a part of his life.

Read RichRobinson’s featured GGO profile now.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.03.2014

Atlas Shrugged Movie Newsletter: 04.03.2014

"If workers struggle for higher wages, this is hailed as 'social gains'; if businessmen struggle for higher profits, this is damned as 'selfish greed'." - Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged on Tour: Louisville, KY

Leading up to the September release of ASP3: Who is John Galt?, we’ll be hitting the road, and we're looking for a few able-bodied volunteers.

FIRST STOP: Louisville, KY

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Think you have what it takes? This is your chance to be part of Atlas Shrugged history. Join Producer Harmon Kaslow in Kentucky and help spread the word.

Sign up as a Kentucky Atlas Shrugged volunteer now.

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Galt's Gulch Producers Only: 500+ Behind the Scenes Photos

Are you a Galt's Gulch Online Producer? If so, we've added 150 new photos to our ever growing library of over 500 exclusive behind-the-scenes photos.

Sign up as a Gulch Producer for access to the ASP3 BTS Library now.

Danneskjold Hat

NEW: Danneskjöld Repossessions Cap

The new Danneskjöld Repossessions cap is perfect for sailing the high seas, delivering gold bars under cover of darkness, or... starting a conversation.

Get your Danneskjöld Repossessions cap now.
