Saturday, February 28, 2015

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 02.28.15

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 02.28.15

”You seek escape from pain. We seek the achievement of happiness. You exist for the sake of avoiding punishment. We exist for the sake of earning rewards. Threats will not make us function; fear is not our incentive. It is not death that we wish to avoid, but life that we wish to live.” - John Galt

Hot in the Gulch: Is a Real Galt's Gulch Possible?

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How will medical issues be dealt with in a real-life Gulch?

(84 comments) Gulch Producer Winterwind asks how we'll take care of medical issues in a real Gulch. Read more...
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What will you sacrifice to Shrug?

(155 comments) Gulch Producer Technocracy asks if you'd be willing to give up running water, or worse, Amazon. What would you give up?
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Could this be our Gulch?

(70 comments) Gulch Producer Terrycan proposes a location for a real life Galt's Gulch. And the land is free.Check it out...
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PRODUCERS ONLY:Atlas Shrugged 2 Collectible

To raise awareness for Atlas Shrugged Part 2, we distributed limited edition promo t-shirts at events across the country until we ran out… or so we thought.
We've uncovered a small stock of these ASP2 t-shirts in the Gulch warehouse.
You can't buy them anywhere. They'll never be produced again. And we’re giving them to Galt’s Gulch Producers for free.

Become a Galt’s Gulch Producer now and get your Atlas Shrugged t-shirt.

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NEW: Atlas Shrugged Special Edition Trilogy DVD Box Set - Save 40%

" I will stop the motor of the world."
Finally, answer the question,who is John Galt? with the new Atlas Shrugged Special Edition Trilogy DVD box set.
Loaded with special features and behind the scenes content, this sleek 5-disc matte black special edition collector's item is not available in stores.

Get your Atlas ShruggedTrilogy DVD box set now
