Friday, March 6, 2015

Atlas Shrugged Newsletter: 03.06.15

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We're an ironic bunch. We're individualists. And yet, we seek each other out. We seek refuge from the looters, the parasites, and the non-thinkers. We take solace in each other's company. We congregate, we break bread together, we discuss world events...
And, we look to do business together. Let's.

Visit the Galt's Gulch Marketplace and let's do business.


"You want to lose all of your customers? Lie to one of them."- Bartolo Aglialoro, 1909-1989

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Atlas Distribution Company didn't start yesterday. Nor did Cybex, or UM Holdings, or any of the other successful multimillion dollar businesses Atlas Shrugged Producers John Aglialoro and wife Joan Carter have put together over the years.
One could actually say the foundation for all of their businesses was laid a century ago... by a young Italian immigrant, Bartolo Aglialoro, who arrived in the US as a teenager, with pockets not full of money but full of integrity.
This past weekend, John was interviewed for an hour on the Bob Zadek radio show. Listen to John wax poetic about his father Bartolo... and free-market capitalism.

Are you a Gulch Producer with a product or service?

Gulch Producers get their first month free and save 25% on all Marketplace advertising packages. Check out the Gulch Marketplace packages now.